Online testing offers companies significant savings in both time and cost, not only through the automatic marking of worksheets and assessments, but also via the convenience of 24/7 availability and the ability to repurpose question banks. Arguably, the biggest benefit to your business will be the generation of comprehensive management reports that enable the identification of skills gaps and problem areas in the workplace and that enable measurement of training success
With the correct approach to online testing, you will see pedagogic benefits as well as administrative benefits. Online testing can assess knowledge across a wider scope of subject matter than traditional assessment, while at the same time offering a fairer assessment process to students who might not be learning in their home language.
Our VirtualAssessor platform is a sophisticated, cloud-based online testing facility that offers you a convenient, efficient way to administer e-learning and to measure competency and knowledge in your organisation. VirtualAssessor minimises administration tasks by allowing automated conditions for test writing. For example, you can specify that learners may not write a specific test if they have not completed the pre-requisite worksheets; you can limit the number of attempts at an assessment and receive an email if they are not competent after the maximum number. Randomisation of questions enables you to administer tests as rewrites without learners seeing the same set of questions repeatedly and without reconfiguring the test.
There is still some scepticism surrounding the value and effectiveness of online testing. Online tests are not simply lists of multiple-choice questions. Questions and explanations to answers can include images, video or sound clips and hyperlinks, thus reinforcing learning material. The VirtualAssessor online testing platform provides a multimedia approach that enables assessment at all levels of Bloom’s cognitive domain. VirtualAssessor provides various question formats including multiple choice, matching pick lists, fill-in-the blank, hot spots, grids (tables) and free form. The free-form question type, which will be marked by human assessors, allows learners to write text-based answers and essays and to upload documents and voice- or video clips as part of their answer. Both questions and explanations to answers can include images, video or sound clips and hyperlinks, thus reinforcing learning material. A single question can be formulated in different formats, and we can assist you in designing your questions and assessments in the way that best suits your material and your learners. Language barriers can be overcome by minimising text and making both the question and answer highly visual if appropriate.
The flexibility of the VirtualAssessor online testing platform offers you diverse applications:
Your organisation can use VirtualAssessor to conduct surveys amongst staff, clients or suppliers. Surveys can be anonymous, if required. A response analysis report will allow you to extract details regarding the responses of participants.
The comprehensive management reports available in VirtualAssessor, not only enable you to track and measure training requirements and success in detail, but also provide you with the results that will enable you to calculate return on investment. You can:
VirtualAssessor can be branded to reflect the corporate identity of your company. We can also seamlessly integrate VirtualAssessor to your Learner Management System if you have one. Certificates and statements of learner results are customised to suit your requirements thus ensuring that your training program is an extension of your brand.
Eduflex offers you the option to manage the VirtualAssessor online testing platform yourself or to choose a managed service option in which Eduflex assists you with the following:
In addition to helping you convert paper-based assessments into effective online assessments, we can offer you training in e-assessment design and on the administration of the VirtualAssessor system.
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